Worldwide Shipping

This policy of terms of use is valid from September 2022.

Mio Zapatos, a private legal entity, describes through this document the rules of use for the site and any other website, store, or application operated by the owner.

By browsing this website, we consider that you agree with the terms of use listed below.

If you do not agree with the terms of this agreement, we ask that you do not make any further use of this website, much less register or submit your personal data.

If we change our terms of use, we will post the new text on this website with an updated revision date. We may modify this document at any time.

If there is a significant change in the terms of this agreement, we may inform you using the contact information we have in our database or via a notification.

The use of this website after changes means that you accept the revised terms of use. If, after reading the revised version, you do not agree with its terms, please terminate your access.

Section 1 - User

The use of this website automatically grants you the status of User and implies your full acceptance of all the guidelines and conditions included in these Terms.

Section 2 - Adherence along with the privacy policy

The use of this website implies adherence to these Terms of Use and to the most up-to-date version of Mio Zapatos' Privacy Policy.

Section 3 - Conditions of access

In general, access to the Mio Zapatos website is free and does not require prior registration.

However, to use some functionalities, the user may need to register, creating a user account with a username and access password.

It is the user's responsibility to provide only correct, authentic, valid, complete, and updated information, as well as not to disclose their username and password to third parties.

Some parts of this website offer the user the option to post comments in certain areas. Mio Zapatos does not allow the publication of content that is discriminatory, offensive, illegal, or that infringes on copyright or any other third-party rights.

The publication of any content by the user of this website, including messages and comments, implies a non-exclusive, irrevocable, and irreversible license for its use, reproduction, and publication by Mio Zapatos on its website, internet platforms, and applications, or even on other platforms, without any restriction or limitation.

Section 4 - Cookies

Information about your use of this website may be collected through cookies. Cookies are pieces of information that are stored directly on the device you are using. Cookies allow the collection of information such as browser type, time spent on the website, pages visited, language preferences, and other anonymous traffic data. We and our service providers use the information to protect security, facilitate navigation, display information more efficiently, and personalize your experience when using this website, as well as for online tracking. We also collect statistical information about the use of the website to continuously improve our design and functionality, to understand how the website is used, and to assist you in resolving relevant issues.

If you do not want your information collected through cookies, there is a simple procedure in most browsers that allows you to automatically reject cookies, or gives you the option to accept or reject the transfer of a specific cookie (or multiple cookies) from a specific website to your computer. However, this may create inconveniences in your use of the website.

The settings you choose may affect your browsing experience and the functionality that requires the use of cookies. In this regard, we disclaim any responsibility for the consequences resulting from the limited operation of this website caused by the deactivation of cookies on your device (inability to set or read a cookie).

Section 5 - Intellectual property

All elements of Mio Zapatos are the intellectual property of the company or its licensors. These terms or the use of the website do not grant you any license or right to use the intellectual property rights of Mio Zapatos or any third party.

Section 6 - Links to third-party websites

This website may contain, from time to time, hyperlinks that will redirect you to websites of our partners, advertisers, suppliers, etc. If you click on one of these links to any of these sites, remember that each site has its own privacy practices and we are not responsible for these policies. Please check these policies before submitting any personal data to those sites.

We are not responsible for the policies and practices of collection, use, and disclosure (including data protection practices) of other organizations, such as Facebook, Apple, Google, Microsoft, or any other software developer or application provider, social media store, operating system provider, internet service provider, or device manufacturer, including Personal Data you disclose to other organizations through the applications, in connection with those applications, or posted on our social networks. We recommend that you inform yourself about the privacy policy and terms of use of each website visited or service provider used.

Section 7 - Terms and modifications

The operation of this website is for an indefinite period.

The entire website or each of its sections may be closed, suspended, or interrupted unilaterally by Mio Zapatos at any time and without prior notice.

Section 8 - Personal data

During the use of this website, certain personal data will be collected and processed by Mio Zapatos and/or its Partners. The rules regarding the processing of personal data by Mio Zapatos are stipulated in the Privacy Policy.

Section 9 - Contact

If you have any questions about the terms of use, please contact us by email at [email protected].